SB 803 Grassroot Coalition-

Social media



Peer Support Services are evidence-based behavioral health services delivered by trained peer providers with personal or family experience with recovery. SB 803 (Beall) will bring California in line with 48 other states that recognize the value of Peer Support Specialists and certify them as providers through their Medicaid programs. 


Showing your support of Governor Gavin Newsom signing SB 803 by joining us on our social media campaign. Tweet and retweet our grassroot campaigns posts in order to spread the message far and wide. Make sure to use the tags with your posts: #SB803 #PeerSupportSpecalists #PeersSaveLives

Below are shareable graphics, suggested social media posts divided by the campaign week, and a “how to” video tip sheet that highlights this bill and why this is an important for Governor Newsom to sign.