Example Email
Dear Senator,
I am writing to you in support of S.B. 428/Teachers: youth mental health first aid. As a (insert occupation or connection to issue), I know first-hand the benefits of Youth Mental Health First Aid and the good it does for young people across the state.
Teachers are on the front-lines of the youth mental health crisis in our state, yet often lack the knowledge and skills it takes to identify and help students who are suffering. Depression symptoms are at an all-time high for high school students and more than 1 in 6 reported that they have seriously considered attempting suicide. Teachers need your help to address this crisis.
Iām emailing to ask that you support the bill and enact this innovative program to help our teachers. Providing the opportunity for teachers to be trained in Youth Mental Health First Aid would go a long way in giving teachers the tools they need to respond when mental health crises occur in our schools. This program is also one of the best, most cost-effective early intervention programs to help ensure school safety.
Again, I ask that you support SB 428 by passing it out of committee.
Thank you.
Committee Email address
Senators Connie M. Leyva (senator.leyva@senate.ca.gov)
Scott Wilk (senator.wilk@senate.ca.gov)
Ling Ling Chang (senator.chang@senate.ca.gov)
Maria Elena Durazo (Senator.Durazo@senate.ca.gov)
Steven Glazer (senator.glazer@senate.ca.gov)
Mike McGuire (senator.mcguire@senate.ca.gov)
Richard Pann (senator.pan@senate.ca.gov)